Elon Musk and other tech leaders call for a pause on the ‘dangerous race’ to make A.I. as advanced as humans

Elon Musk and a large number of other industry pioneers have urged AI research facilities to put a stop to the creation of systems that can match human intelligence.

Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and 2020 presidential hopeful Andrew Yang signed an open letter from the Future of Life Institute urging AI labs to stop training models that are more potent than GPT-4, the most recent version of the large language model software created by American startup OpenAI.

Modern AI systems are already capable of doing broad tasks on par with humans, thus we must consider if we should allow robots to saturate our media with propaganda and misinformation. read the letter.

Should all jobs, even fulfilling ones, be automated away? Should we create non-human minds that could one day outnumber, outwit, replace, and supersede us? Should we run the danger of losing civilizational control?

Such decisions “must not be outsourced to unelected tech leaders,” the letter continued.

The Cambridge, Massachusetts-based NGO The Future of Life Institute promotes the ethical and responsible development of artificial intelligence. Max Tegmark, a cosmologist at MIT, and Jaan Tallinn, a co-founder of Skype, are among its founders.

The institution has in the past persuaded individuals like Musk and Google’s DeepMind AI unit to make a vow never to create lethal autonomous weapons systems.

The institute urged “immediate suspension for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more capable than GPT-4,” according to its statement.

This month’s newly revealed GPT-4 is regarded to be far more advanced than GPT-3.

Governments should intervene and impose a moratorium if such a pause can’t be rapidly implemented, it continued.

Researchers were astounded by ChatGPT’s capacity to deliver humanlike responses to user prompts. ChatGPT is a popular AI chatbot. Within two months after its debut, ChatGPT had amassed 100 million monthly active users, making it the fastest-growing consumer application in history by January.

It has been used to produce everything from poetry in the style of William Shakespeare to generating legal opinions on court matters. The technology is trained on vast amounts of data from the internet.

Yet, ethical experts in AI have also expressed worries about possible misuse of the technology, such as plagiarism and false information.

According to Musk, artificial intelligence is one of the “greatest hazards” to society.

The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX is also one of OpenAI’s co-founders, however, he quit the board in 2018 and no longer owns stock in the business.

He has since attacked the organization several times, claiming that he thinks it is veering away from its initial goal.

While AI technology develops at a rapid rate, regulators are also vying to control it. The U.K. government released a white paper on AI on Wednesday, deferring to several agencies to monitor the use of AI tools in their respective sectors by applying existing laws.

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